HAPpy People - Enda Grogan

October 30, 2018


Q:  So, Enda, I hear you’re from Ireland. Have you always been a swimmer? 
Like most kids, my parents signed me up for swimming lessons from an early age. Other sporting commitments took precedence so I drifted away, only swimming casually in my teens. I started back three years ago and have had the bug ever since. 

Q:  What international swims have you done? 
My swimming résumé is pretty sparse but my bucket list is as long as my arm. I have yet to add any exotic destinations but there are plenty of incredible lakes and rivers back home in Ireland that are up there with the best. I can now add the Willamette, Columbia, and Pacific Ocean to the list!

Q:  How did you find the River Huggers? 
My brother Conor moved out to Portland two years ago and started swimming with the Huggers. Each time we Skyped he would mention swimming across the river before work during the summer. I had to check it out myself and it has lived up to all the hype. 

Q:  What do you do in real life (as if swimming isn’t real life!)?
When I'm not flailing in the river, I spend most of my days working for a solar development company in downtown Portland called Sulus Solar.


Q. Do you have a dream swim in mind that you aspire to?
The Norther channel between Northern Ireland and Scotland. It's a 21-mile swim in 50 degree water with plenty of jellyfish to swim with.

Q:  What do you think about when you swim? 
Absolutely nothing! That's why I love swimming. I completely zone out and just focus on my breathing. If your mind wanders and you forget to breathe, you're in big trouble (deep sh*t).

Q:  When your brother swims with you, are you secretly racing him?
There's a healthy rivalry between us both. He usually leaves me in his dust and all I can see is his pink buoy getting further and further away.

Q:  We like to write river haikus at our year-end River Hugger party. Since you can’t be there, do you want to send a haiku now? 


Hat buoy short shorts,
All you need to river swim,
Dive splash kick enjoy 

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